Category: Softwares
WP Inactive Logout
BUY PRO Version and unlock more features WP Inactive Logout makes your WP account secure from snoopers, friends to protect your data by assuring auto log out system within a certain defined time. This will help you keep safe from any users using same machine to access your account in case you are away and…
Deploy WordPress using github on Azure
Deploy WordPress using github on Azure, If you have no idea or very little knowledge on how to even get started with azure on WordPress and link those source code to github then this article might be right for you. What i expect you already know: 1. Github commands or github workflow 2. Have paid…
Essential Plugins for SublimeText 3
For any programmer sublime has become an essential and a very useful software nowadays. Well, for those of you who dont know what sublime text is, It is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) i.e An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally…
Fun things to type into Google
Google has been revolutionizing the search engine over the past years and from the year it started to now, Google has not changed much in design perspective. The modern styled Google does feel the same google as we used in past years though the methods, features and functions are totally different. Google has came up…