Category: Javascript

  • SwiperJS extra attributes from the server React/NextJS 14 issue

    Recently, while integrating SwiperJS with NextJS 14, I encountered the “Warning: Extra attributes from the server: class, style” issue. This warning indicated a mismatch between the React virtual DOM and the actual DOM due to additional styles or classes added during page load. At the time, I was using Swiper JS version 11.0.5, and with…

  • Main reason behind moduleNotFoundError on Vercel but working on Local

    Recently, i have been tapping into nextJS by Vercel and damn i love how this works flawlessly. Saying that, it does still come with issues that makes you scratch your head. To be honest, i am from a PHP workflow and working with PHP debugging issue is not so hard because the debug messages are…

  • Using Gulp in WordPress

    Using Gulp in WordPress

    Gulp for WordPress themes and Plugins can boost your development speed. One word AUTOMATION in basic terminology that defines gulp. Web developers often find themselves doing repetition in small and tedious work on daily basis which can be simplified by implementing gulp and automation. Without gulp assumption -> repetitive tasks = time consuming = loss in productivity. With…

  • Gulp and Grunt. Ah! The Two Task Runners

    Gulp and Grunt. Ah! The Two Task Runners

    Gulp.js is a new Node based automated task runner that has been causing lots of buzz. Although automation and task runners are not a new idea, they have become very popular in the front-end community after the introduction of Grunt.js. Grunt was built by Ben Alman to help simplify the process of automating repetitive tasks.…